Year 2017-2018
- Statement Investor Compliant
- Outcome of Board Meeting
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report
- Other
Public Issue
Year 2018-2019
Board Meeting
- Outcome of Board Meeting- 14.04.2018
- Intimation of Board Meeting-19.05.2018
- Board Meeting Outcome-28.05.18
- Intimation -Dividend recommend-28.05.18
- Intimation of AGM-28.05.18
- BM Outcome-15.10.18
- Intimation of BM-23.10.18
- Closure of Trading Window-23.10.18
- BM Outcome-29.10.18
- Intimation of BM-05.02.19
- BM Outcome-11.02.19
- BM Outcome-26.02.19
- Intimation of ID Meeting-16.03.19
- BM Intimation-16.03.19
- Ind. Directors Meeting Outcome-23.03.19
- BM Outcome-20.03.19
- BM Outcome-30.03.19
Notice of EGM/AGM
- Appointment of Designated Depository-17.05.2018
- Intimation-NSDL Appointment-04.06.2018
- Disclosure-Reg. 29-30.06.18
- Non Applicability Certificate Reg. 27-30.06.18
- Disclosure-Reg. 29-03.07.18
- Disclosure-Reg. 29-03.07.18
- Disclosure-Reg. 29-03.07.18
- Dividend Payment Date
- Reconciliaton of Share Capital Audit-30.06.18
- Commencement of units-01.09.18
- Disclosure-Reg. 29-27.09.18
- Disclosure-Reg. 29-27.09.18
- Disclosure-Reg. 29-27.09.18
- Certi-non applicability-27-30.09.18
- Statement-32(1)-30.09.18
- Disclosure-Reg. 29-05.10.18
- Compliance Certificate-7(3)-30.09.18
- Certificate-Reg.54(5)-30.09.18
- PCS Certificate-40(9)-30.09.18
- Reconciliaton_Share Capital Audit-30.09.18
- Disclosure under Reg. 29-01.11.18
- RTA name change-26.11.18
- Certificate Non applicability Reg. 27-31.12.18
- Disclosure under Reg. 29-12.01.19
- Reconciliation Share Capital-31.12.18
- Certi us 54(5)-31.12.18
- Intimation of Leased property-23.01.19
- Intimation of EGM-11.02.19
- Notice of AGM-24.05.2017
- Intimation of EGM- 14.04.2018
- Intimation to BSE-Notice & cut off date
- Notice of AGM-10.07.2018
- Intimation of newspaper cutting-AGM Notice-16.06.18
- AGM Voting Result-10.07.18
- AGM Proceeding & result
- AGM Voting Result-Revised-17.07.18
- EGM Notice-12.05.18
- EGM outcome & Voting Result-12.05.2018
- EGM Notice-09.03.19
- EGM outcome and scrutinizer report-09.03.19
Year 2019-2020
Board Meeting
- Intimation of BM-21.05.19
- BM Outcome-29.05.19
- BM Outcome-13.06.19
- BM intimation-31.07.19
- BM outcome-08.08.19
- Intimation of BM-26.10.19
- BM outcome-05.11.19
- Revised FS-30.09.19
- Intimation of BM-22.01.20
- BM Outcome-29.01.20
- Intimation of BM-14.03.20
- Intimation-Ind Director meeting-14.03.20
- Intimation of Cancellation of BM & Ind. Directors-21.03.20
- AGM intimation-13.06.19
- Notice of 11th AGM-01.07.19
- Corrigendum to Notice & Annual Report-01.07.19
- Intimation of notice published-13.07.19
- AGM outcome & Scrutinizer report-30.07.19
- Intimation-SAST-30-02.04.19
- Non Applicability Certi- Reg.27-03.04.19
- Intimation of Trading Window-03.04.19
- Certificate-54(5)-10.04.19
- CC-7(3)-10.04.19
- Certificate-40(9)-11.04.19
- Recon. Share Capital Audit Report-11.04.19
- Intimation of Commencement of factory-13.04.19
- Intimation of Rating-24.04.19
- Intimation of not LC-29.04.19
- Intimation- Reg. 32-29.04.19
- Revised RSCA-30.04.19
- Non applicability of ASCR-29.05.19
- Dividend Update-29.05.19
- Earning Presentation-03.06.19
- Revised Presentation-04.06.19
- Disclosure-Reg.29-04.06.19
- Disclosure-Reg.29-07.06.19
- Auditor Resignation intimation-08.06.19
- Non applicability of Reg. 23(9)-23.06.19
- Intimation of participation-28.06.19
- Intimation Trading Window-01.07.19
- Reg. 32-03.07.19
- AR Dispatch-03.07.19
- Certificate 74(5)-30.06.19
- IG REPORT.30.06.19
- Reconciliation_Share Capital Audit-30.06.19
- Intimation Presentation-14.08.19
- Disclosure under Reg. 29-19.09.19
- Intimation Trading Window-25.09.19
- Statement of deviation & variation-30.09.19
- Certificate of non appl. of Reg 27(2)-30.09.19
- TEXO_IG_Report-30.09.19
- CC 7(3)-30.09.19
- Certificate 74(5)-30.09.19
- PCS Certificate 40(10)-30.09.19
- Reconciliaton Share Capital Audit-30.09.19
- Press Release-08.11.19
- Non appli. of Reg. 23(9)-18.11.19
- Investor Presentation-04.12.19
- Intimation-RTA name change-09.12.19
- Intimation of Trading Window Closure-26.12.19
- Non applicability of Reg. 27(2)-01.01.20
- Disclosure Reg. 32-31.12.19
- Certificate 74(5)-31.12.19
- TEXO_IG_Report-31.12.19
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report.html-31.12.19
- Disclosure-Reg.29-06.02.20
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)-06.02.20
- Earning Presentation Q3FY20-06.02.20
- Disclosure-Reg.29-07.02.20
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)-07.02.20
- Disclosure under Reg. 29-07.02.20
- Revised Earning Presentation-08.02.20
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2)-27.02.20
- Disclosure under Reg. 29-27.02.20
- Disclosure-Reg.29-12.03.20
- Trading Window closure-14.03.20
- Intimation of Trading Window closure-21.03.20
- Press Release-23.03.20
Year 2020-2021
Board Meeting
- Board Meeting Intimation-25.05.20
- ID Meeting Intimation-25.05.20
- Board Meeting Outcome-30.05.20
- ID Meeting Outcome-30.05.20
- Intimation of Board Meeting-19.06.20
- BM Outcome-25.06.20
- Adjourned BM Intimation-25.06.20
- BM Intimation-29.06.20
- BM Outcome-30.06.20
- Intimation of BM-08.08.20
- BM Outcome-13.08.20
- BM intimation-14.08.20
- BM Outcome-20.08.20
- Intimation of BM-05.11.20
- BM Outcome-11.11.20
- Intimation of BM-05.02.21
- BM Outcome-11.02.21
- ID Meeting Intimation-04.03.21
- ID Meeting Outcome-11.03.21
- BM Intimation-23.03.21
- Outcome of Board Meeting-31.03.21
- Intimation of postal ballot-25.06.20
- Voting Result & Scrutinizer Report-31.07.20
- AGM Intimation-13.08.20
- Revised cut off date AGM-18.08.20
- AGM outcome and result-22.09.20
- AGM Recording-
- Investors Compliants Report-31.03.20
- CC 7(3)-31.03.20
- Intimation-SAST-30-31.03.20
- Certificate under 74(5)-31.03.20
- Certificate of Non-Applicability of Regulation 27(2)-31.03.20
- Confirmation for not identified as Large Corporate-31.03.20
- Certificate-40(10)-31-03-20
- Recon. of Share Capital Report-31-03-20
- Intimation of factory restart-26.05.20
- Non Applicability of ASCR-26.06.20
- Intimation of calander events-29.06.20
- Intimation of News Paper Advertisement-29.06.20
- Intimation Trading Window-30.06.20
- Certificate of non-applicability of Reg. 27(2)-06.07.20
- Earning Presentation-Q4FY20-06.07.20
- Certificate 74(5)-30.06.20
- TEXO_IG_Report-30.06.20
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report-30.06.20
- Intimation of credit rating reaffirmed-30.07.20
- Record Date Intimation-01.08.20
- Newspaper advertisement-25.08.20
- Q1FY21-28.08.20
- News Add post dispatch-29.08.20
- Information Memorandum-02.09.20
- Intimation of Trading Window Closure-30.09.20
- Investors Complaints Report-30.09.20
- Certificate Reg. 74(5)-30.09.20
- Compliance Certificate Reg. 7(3)-30.09.20
- Compliance Certificate under Regulation 40(10)-30.09.20
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report-30.09.20
- Certificate of Non-Applicability of Regulation 27(2)-30.09.20
- Migration to main board Intimation-19.10.20
- Intimation of News ads-06.11.20
- Newspaper Publication-12.11.20
- Disclosure under Reg. 23(9)-13.11.20
- Earnings Presentation Q2FY21-13.11.20
- Disclosure under Reg. 29-21.11.20
- Disclosure under Reg. 29-24.11.20
- Intimation of Trading Window Closure-30.12.20
- CG REPORT-31.12.20
- Certificate under Reg. 74 (5)-31.12.20
- TEXO_IG Report-31.12.20
- RSCA-31.12.20
- Intimation of News ads-06.02.21
- intimation of news ads-12.02.21
- Earning Presentation Q3FY21-13.02.21
- Revised Earning Presentation Q3FY21-15.02.21
- Intimation of production start from Rapier-16.02.21
- Disclosure Under Reg. 29-19.02.21
- Disclosure Under Reg. 7-26.02.21
- Disclosure under Reg 29-26.02.21
- Disclosure Under Reg.7-01.03.21
- SAST Disclosure Under Reg.29 01.3.21
- Intimation of resignation of CS-23.03.21
Year 2021-2022
Board Meeting
- Intimation of board meeting-07.04.21
- BM Outcome -15.04.2021
- Intimation of Board Meeting – 19.06.2021
- Outcome of Board Meeting – 28.06.2021
- Intimation of Board Meeting – 20.07.2021
- Outcome of the Board Meeting. -23.07.2021
- Intimation of the adjourned Board Meeting – 23.07.2021
- Cancellation of Board Meeting – 30.07.2021
- Intimation of Board Meeting-06.08.2021
- Outcome of the Board Meeting– 13.08.2021
- Outcome of the Board Meeting after UDIN-13.08.2021
- Intimation of Board Meeting – 17.08.2021
- outcome of board meeting – 21.08.2021
- Intimation Of Board Meeting – 08.09.2021
- Outcome of Board Meeting – 14.09.2021
- Intimation Of Board Meeting – 15.10.2021
- Outcome of Board Meeting – 21.10.2021
- Corrigendum to Notice of AGM – 27.08.2021
- Newspaper_Advertisement AGM – 31.08.2021
- Intimation of Postal Ballot – 14.09.2021
- Proceedings of Annual General Meeting – 21.09.2021
- Scrutnizer’s Report and Outcome Of AGM – 22.09.2021
- Disclosure under SAST reg 30. 05.04.21
- Corporate Governance Report- 06.04.21
- Intimation of resignation and board meeting 07.04.21
- Regulation 7(3) certificate – 09.04.21
- large entity disclosure– 09.04.21
- certificate under Regulation 40(10)-15.04.21
- Reconciliation of share capital audit report
- Expansion Intimation 23.06.21
- Annual Secretarial Compliance Report-PCS -30.06.21
- Newspaper Cutting of Published Audited Financial Results for the quarter/year ended March -30.06.2021
- Earning Presentation_Q4 – 02.07.2021
- Related Party Transaction – 02.07.2021
- Certificate under regulation 74(5) – 05.07.2021
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit -06.07.2021
- Corporate governance report june Quarter – 07.07.2021
- Earnings Presentation-Q1FY22 – 16.08.2021
- Newspaper Cutting of Published extract of unaudited financial Results for the quarter ended 30.06.2021 – 17.08.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST)2011 – 20.08.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 – 20.08.2021
- Intimation of Annual General Meeting and Book Closure – 21.08.2021
- Credit Rating Disclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR)2015 – 24.08.2021
- Annual report-TTFL – 31.03.2021
- SAST Disclosure – 31.08.2021
- PIT Disclosure – 31.08.2021
- SAST Disclosure – 06.09.2021
- PIT Disclosure – 06.09.2021
- SAST Disclosure – 09.09.2021
- PIT Disclosure – 09.09.2021
- Calendar of Events for Conducting Postal Ballot – 16.09.2021
- Newspaper Advertisement – 16.09.2021
- SAST Disclosure – 28.09.2021
- PIT Disclosure – 28.09.2021
- SAST Disclosure – 29.09.2021
- PIT Disclosure – 29.09.2021
- Intimation of Closure Trading Window – 30.09.2021
- SAST Disclosure -04.10.2021
- PIT Disclosure – 04.10.2021
- Certificate under Regulation of SEBI – 07.10.2021
- Certificate under Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR) – 07.10.2021
- Certificate under Regulation 40(10) of SEBI – Half year ended September 30, 2021 – 08.10.2021
- Corporate Governance Report September Quarter – 30.09.2021
- Voting Result of Postal Ballot – 16.10.2021
- Clarification on Movement in Price – 20.10.2021
- Newspaper Cutting of Published extract of unaudited financial Results for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2021 – 23.10.2021
- Earning Presentation – 27.10.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST)2011 – 03.11.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 – 03.11.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST)2011 – 06.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 -06.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST), 2011 – 22.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 – 22.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST), 2011 – 23.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 – 23.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 31(1)and 31(2) of SEBI(SAST) Regulations, 2011 – 28.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST), 2011 – 29.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 – 29.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 31 of SEBI(SAST) Regulations, 2011 – 29.12.2021
- Intimation of closure trading window – 30.12.2021
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) – 10.01.2022
- Intimation of the Board Meeting – 10.01.2022
- Corporate Governance Report December Quarter – 31.12.2021
- Disclosure under Regulation 31 of SEBI(SAST) Regulations, 2011 – 17.01.2022
- Outcome of the Board Meeting – 19.01.2022
- Newspaper Cutting of Published extract of unaudited financial Results for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2021 – 21.01.2022
- Earning presentation December 2021 – 21.01.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 -10.02.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST), 2011– 10.02.2022
- Intimation for Separate Meeting of the Independent Directors – 23.03.2022
- Intimation of closure trading window-30.03.2022
- Outcome of the separate meeting of Independent Directors of the Company-01.04.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 30(1) and 30(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011-01.04.2022
- Certificate under regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR)-09.04.2022
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5)-09.04.2022
- certificate under Regulation 40(10)-11.04.2022
- Intimation of the Board Meeting-15.04.2022
- Confirmation for not identified as Large Corporate-18.04.2022
- Intimation of change in Name of Registrar and Share Transfer Agent-20.04.2022
- Outcome of the Board Meeting-21.04.2022
Year 2022-2023
- Intimation of the Board Meeting
- Outcome of the Board Meeting
- Intimation of the Board Meeting-27.05.2022
- BM-Outcome_04.06.2022
- Intimation of the Board Meeting-01.07.2022
- Intimation of Board meeting-06.07.2022
- Outcome of the Board Meeting-09.07.2022
- BM Outcome-12.07.2022
- BM Intimation-18.08.2022
- Outcome of the Board Meeting – 22.08.2022
- Intimation _BM – 17.09.2022
- Intimation of resheduling of Bm to later date – 24.09.2022
- Outcome of Board Meeting-01.10.2022
- Outcome of Board meeting-04.10.2022
- Intimation of Board Meeting – 04.10.2022
- Correction of Typographical error in Intimation – 05.10.2022
- Outcome of Board Meeting-11.10.2022
- Outcome of Board Meeting-18.10.2022
- Outcome of Board Meeting-02.01.2023
- BM OUTCOME_16.01.2023
- Outcome of the Board Meeting held on 30.03.2023
- Intimation of Annual General Meeting and Book Closure – 22.08.2022
- Newspaper Advertisement -AGM-02.09.2022
- AGM Proceedings-27.09.2022
- Scrutnizers-Report-and-Outcome-Of-AGM- 2022 – 28.09.2022
- Intimation Regarding Rescheduling Of Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
- Newspaper Advertisement Postal Ballot-07.12.2022
- Cancellation Of EGM for Proposed Issue Of Debentures
- Disclosure under Regulation 30(1) and 30(2) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011
- Certificate under regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR)
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5)
- Confirmation for not identified as Large Corporate
- certificate under Regulation 40(10)
- Corporate Governance repot march 22
- Intimation of change in Name of Registrar and Share Transfer Agent
- Newspaper Cutting of Published Audited Financial Results for the quarter and year ended on 31st March, 2022-23.04.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015-27.04.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST), 2011-27.04.2022
- Earning presentation_March 2022-29.04.2022.
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015-29.04.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST), 2011-29.04.2022
- Annual Secretarial Compliance Report for 31.03.2022-27.05.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI(PIT)2015 (1)-27.05.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI(SAST)2011-27.05.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI(SAST)2011 -01.6.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI(PIT)2015-01.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI(PIT)2015 (1)-02.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI(SAST)2011-02.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI(SAST)2011-03.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI(PIT)2015 -03.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI(SAST)2011-04.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI(PIT)2015-04.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI(SAST) 2011-23.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI(PIT) 2015-23.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011-30.06.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI ( PIT) 2015-30.06.2022
- Intimation of trading window closure-30.06.2022
- Intimation of resignation of an Independent Director & Intimation of the Board Meeting-01.07.2022
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5)-08.07.2022
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report-08.07.2022
- Reconstitution Of Committees-09.07.2022
- News ads-13.07.22
- CG.html-30.06.22
- Earning presentation_ June-2022-26.07.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 27.07.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 – 27.07.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 29.07.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 7(2) SEBI (PIT) 2015 – 29.07.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 29.07.2022_
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 30.07.2022_
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011-02.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011-03.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011-04.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011-05.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 06.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 08.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2)-and (3) of SEBI SAST 2011- 13.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 25.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 26.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 29.08.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 31.08.2022
- Credit Rating Disclosure-under-Regulation-30-of-SEBI-LODR 2015 – 01.09.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 02.09.2022
- Newspaper Advertisement – 02.09.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 -07.09.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) of SEBI (SAST) 2011_ – 07.09.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 09.09.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 -12.09.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 14.09.2022
- Disclosure under Regulation 29{2) and (3) of SEBI (SAST) 2011 – 16.09.2022
- Intimation of trading window closure-30.09.2022
- Newspaper Advertisement -2nd quarter Result – 13.10.2022
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5)-15.10.2022
- Reconciliation of share capital audit-15.10.2022
- C.G..html – 18.10.2022
- RPT REPORT_30.09.2022.html
- Earnings Presentation-Q2FY23
- Intimation of Closure of Trading Window-30.12.2022
- Appointment of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer-02.01.2023
- IG_31.12.2022.html
- CG_31.12.2022_TTFL.html
- Intimation 74(5)- Q3 TTFL
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 31.12.2022
- Earnings Presentation-Q3FY23
- Newspaper Publication_Financial Results_18.01.2023
- Disclosure under Reg 29(2) of SEBI SAST, 2011_01.02.2023
- Disclosure Under Regulation 29(2) Of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition Of Shares And Takeover) Regulations, 2011_01-03-2023
- Disclosure under Reg 29(2) of SEBI SAST, 2011_25.02.2023_HJD
- Disclosure under Reg 29(2) of SEBI SAST, 2011_25.02.2023_HJD TRUST_GIFT
- Disclosure under Reg 29(2) of SEBI SAST, 2011_25.02.2023_HJD TRUST
- Board Meeting Outcome for Independent Directors Meeting 29.03.2023
- Closure of Trading Window 31.03.2023
Year 2023-2024
- Intimation of Board Meeting-15.04.2023
- Outcome of the Board Meeting-24.04.2023
- Intimation of Board Meeting Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 30.06.2023
- Intimation of Board Meeting_06.11.2023
- Intimation of Board Meeting Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 31.12.2023
- Board Meeting Outcome 14.02.2024
- Intimation-Separate meeting of Independent Directors of the Company
- Outcome of the separate meeting of Independent Directors of the Company 13.03.2024
- Disclosure Under Regulation 31 (4) Of SEBI (SAST) Regulation, 2011 For The Year Ended 31St March, 2023
- Compliance Certificate under Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR) 2015 for the Year ended on 31st March, 2023
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 quarter ended 31st March, 2023
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 31.03.2023
- Compliance Certificate under Regulation 40(9) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
- IG Report-31.03.2023
- Corporate Governance Report on 31.03.2023
- RPT Report-31.03.2023
- Change in Management-24.04.2023
- Confirmation for not identified as Large Corporate as on 31.03.2023
- Newspaper Advertisement-Disclosure under Regulation 30 and Regulation 47 SEBI(LODR)
- Earnings Presentation_Q4FY23_28.04.2023
- Annual Secretarial Compliance Report for 31.03.2023-30.05.2023
- Resignation of Independent Director-02.06.2023
- Closure of Trading Window
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018-30.06.2023
- Corporate Governance Report_30.06.2023
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 30.06.2023
- Investor Grievance Report 30.06.2023
- Resignation of Director-15.07.2023
- Appointment of Director-10.08.2023.
- Intimation of AGM and Book Closure
- Newspaper Advertisement-Disclosure under Reeulation 30 and Reeulation 47 SEBI(LODR)_30.06.2023
- Earning Presentation-Q1FY24
- Annual Report_TTFL_28.08.2023
- Disclosure under Regulation 29(1) ofSEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 2011
- Trading window closure_30.09.2023
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018_30.09.2023
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 30.09.2023
- Investor Grievance Report 30.09.2023
- Resignation of Director- 11.10.2023
- Corporate Governance_30.09.2023
- Newspaper Advertisement_30.09.2023
- Earning Presentation Q2Y24
- Closure of Trading Window quarter ended 31.12.2023
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 31.12.2023
- Investor Grievance Report quarter ended 31.12.2023
- Corporate Governance 31.12.2023
- Credit Rating-Disclosure under Regulation 30
- Change in CFO-14.02.2024
- Newspaper Advertisement_31.12.2023
- Earnings Presentation-Q3FY24
- Disclosure Under regulation 29 (2)
- Closure of Trading Window_30.03.2024
- Certificate under regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR)-31.03.2024
- Disclosure Under Regulation 31 (4) Of SEBI (SAST) Regulation, 2011 For The Year Ended 31St March, 2024
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018-31.03.2024
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 31.03.2024
- Investor Complaints-31.03.2024
- Certificate under regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR)-31.03.2024
- Disclosure Under Regulation 31 (4) Of SEBI (SAST) Regulation, 2011 For The Year Ended 31St March, 2024
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018-31.03.2024
- Investor Complaints-31.03.2024
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 31.03.2024
- Intimation-of-AGM-and-Book-Closure
- 15th AGM Transcript
- Draft AOA
- Drat MOA
- Postal Ballot Notice
- Newspaper Ad-Postal Ballot
Year 2024-2025
- Intimation of Board Meeting For Consideration of Audited Financial Results for the Year Ended 31.03.2024
- Rescheduling of BM scheduled to be held on 25.05.2024
- Intimation of BM for Un-Audited Financial Result for Quarter ended 30.06.2024
- Extension of BM scheduled to be held on 18.07.2024
- Intimation of Board Meeting Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 30.09.2024
- Outcome of Board Meeting 12.10.2024
- Intimation of BM to be held on 23.10.2024
- Board Meeting Outcome 23.10.2024
- Board Meeting Outcome 11.11.2024
- Outcome of Postal Ballot
- Appointment of Statutory, Internal, Secreterial Auditor
- Newspaper Advertisement- Finanicial Result for Quarter and Year ended 31.03.2024
- Earning Presentation Q2FY24
- Annual Secreterial Compliance Report for FY 2023-24
- Intimation of Order
- Disclosures under Regulation 29(2)-25.06.2024
- Disclosure under regulation 7(2)- 25.06.2024
- Disclosure under regulation 7(2)- 26.06.2024
- Disclosure under regulation 29-26.06.2024
- Disclosure under regulation 7-27.06.2024
- Disclosure under regulation 29-27.06.2024
- Disclosure under regulation 7-28.06.2024
- Disclosures under Regulation 29(2)-28.06.2024
- Closure of Trading Window 30.06.2024
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018-30.06.2024
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 30.06.2024
- Investor Complaints 30.06.2024
- Corporate Governance-30.06.2024
- Newspaper AD_ Financial Result for Quarter ended 30.06.2024
- Earnings Presentation-Q1FY25
- 16th Annual General Meeting
- Intimation Of Book Closure And Cut-Off Date For 16Th AGM
- Newpaper Publication- Intimation of 16th AGM
- Annual Report 2023-24
- Newspaper Publication-Notice of 16th AGM and E-voting information
- Closure of Trading Window 30.09.2024
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 Quarter ended 30.09.2024
- Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report quarter ended 30.09.2024
- Investor Complaints quarter ended 30.09.2024
- Corporate Governance 30.09.2024
- NEWSPAPERS AD_Financial Result Quarter ended 30.09.2024
- Earnings Presentation-Q2FY25
- Disclosure under regulation 29-16.10.2024 Disclosure under regulation 7-16.10.2024
- Disclosure under regulation 30-Issue of Security
- Disclosure under regulation 30-Alteration of AOA
- Newspaper Ad-Notice of EGM
- PCS Compliance Certificate
- Newspaper Ad-Corrigendum of EGM Notice
- Scrutinizer Report